Monday, October 17, 2011

Advertisement and Public Relations

          Apple has been well knowned for its advertisement for the past twenty years. With every good product comes a great marketing plan, which includes advertisements and public relations. In the past ten years, the most significant advertisement ads include the "Switch" campagne and "Get a Mac" campagne.

          The "Switch" campagne was a very unique and interesting one. I was around to see the commercial for this campagne unlike the 1984 Superbowl commercial. The "Switch" campagne shows what the Apple company view as real people switching from a Microsoft Windows computer to a Mac. I was ateenage at that time with a Microsoft computer and the commercial on the campagne was very funny to me and had me curious on why is the Mac so different and "better" than Microsoft Windows. The "Switch" campagne was the advertisement that put Mac on the map to me because it was the first time I heard about the company eventhough it was around years before, the popularity gain from the campagne prove crucial to Apple's sucess.

          As of today, Apple can be consider as a "marketing genius" company. Not only has their ads been very sucess, but also the advertisement of Apple products in many recent movies (Abduction, film 2011) and commercials shows Apple's public relations and popularity among people and consumers.


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