Saturday, November 26, 2011

Business Marketing

          Traditionally, Apple’s products hasn’t been the primary chose among business organizations and enterprises. In the beginning, Mac computer symbolized individuality, creativity, and uniqueness which was more appealing to a variety of different consumers more so than businesses. It hasn’t been until the past four years where Apple popularity and recognition for innovation has been accepted in the business world.

          Currently, Apple growth in demand and popularity have put them in a better position to compete against the dominance of Microsoft in the business market. More and more organizations are removing whatever computer brand they were using before for a MacBook or iMac. It doesn’t stop there, Many organizations have switch from their traditional blackberry to an iPhone as the company’s phone.
          For educational institutions, many schools have implemented Apple’s iMac and iPad products as their choice for technology use among students and faculty. Stephanie Reitz of Associated Press reported the growing use of iPads in public secondary school classroom this fall. Principle Patrick Larkin of Boston’s Burlington High School calls iPad “a better long-term investment than textbooks.” The use of a lightweight tablet instead of textbooks shows how popular Apple has become among consumers and businesses, not to mention the environmental benefit of “Going Green” with the saving of more trees and the use of less paper. Even at Borough of Manhattan Community College, There are at least two iMacs in every computer labs (10) with two computer labs filled with iMacs only. The presence of Apple among businesses and schools are become more dominant as Apple popularity grows, with the expectants of that presence to keep on growing as the years fly by.


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